Monday, July 27, 2009

The hill that powers 120,000 homes

One of the things people most often ask is - "Where does the money go when I buy carbon credits?" - so I thought I would show you. Last week I returned from a short trip to the United States. As I was driving to San Francisco from Las Vegas I came across this incredible piece of road that was littered with hundreds of Wind Turbines pumping out clean energy. I did this same drive about 10 years ago and none of these turbines were there back then.

When you consider that each of these turbines will generate enough energy every year to power about 1,000 homes you really start to see the significance of clean energy solutions such as this. The photo above is only half of this picture and there's about 120 turbines just in this half of this shot. That's 120,000 homes being powered without a single piece of coal being burned. This hill was only one of dozens like it that I drove past in just that 20 mile stretch of road in the US.

These are what we call 'renewable energy projects' because they rely upon clean and abundant natural resources like wind - not dirty and damaging fuels such as coal. It is projects like this that are often funded by carbon credit purchases.

If you are a US citizen you may be particularly interested in a wonderful movement called "The Picken's Plan" - founded by billionaier oil man T.Boone.Pickens. Mr Pickens has developed a powerfula and effective plan for eliminating America's reliance on foreign oil by harnessing the abundance of wind through the central interior of the United States.

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